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Hello!  Welcome to my site! 

In case you could not figure out yet,  my name is Mayank and I'm a 26-year-old scientist pursuing photography for my passion and sanity.



I have been grown up in New Delhi, India and currently, I am based in Tübingen, Germany. I have been interested in photography subconsciously for several years. It was in 2012 when I first tried my hands on a friend's camera and I realised instantly that it is something I would like to follow up in my life till I can. And here I am, with take on life with all the gumption I have. 

In the years I have been involved in photography, I think the lens has taught me many things. One of them is seeing the world in its full glory and fixating it forever as memories. As a photographer, I have learned to appreciate small things in life and believe me, it's wonderful!



The time when I am not with my camera, I am working in the research laboratories trying to or at least pretending to fit few pieces of a puzzle in biology. 





© 2015 by MAYANK CHUGH Photography.

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